Christian dancers, keep your passion in dancing for Jesus!

Welcome to the unofficial blog of the Creative Dance Ministry of Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya. We are a group of ordinary yet beautiful (in God's eyes, at least :P) people who just simply love to worship the Lord in dance and the arts. As we share our ministry journey here in our own simple ways, we hope all
who visit will be blessed and inspired.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Proclaim His Power 10102008 (1)

1.5 months of practice and finally we are done for the Proclaim His Power worship night. Thanks to all who were involved - from planning to presentation - it was wonderful teamwork, PRAISE THE LORD! Pray you have all caught the fire and passion to dance and dance for the one and only King of our lives.
Yee Wei, Leon, you have made a breakthrough in GTPJ history for being the first 2 guys from GTPJ itself (the first time we had some male brothers from other churches) to bravely hold up the tambourines and danced. We are really encouraged by your teachable spirit. Please guard it with all your heart. We hope your step of faith will encourage the rest of male species to take up the tambourine and boldly go to "war" and "battle" with it in worship. We always need strong, Godly men to break down strongholds during worship.
A BIG BIG thank you to Mei Fong and Priscilla for being so willing and supportive, uncomplaining (except for the pain on your fingers through all the flag twirling practices :P) and available to dance along... we are really touched beyond words...

Keep worshipping Him people!

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